A Mazatli Story

Anahuac... Birthplace of our ancestors... Olmecs, Teotihucans,  Mexica, Mayans, Tlaxcalans, Zapotecs, Toltecs, Mixtecs, Totonacs, Perupecha, Tepehuanos, Yaquis,  Tepanecs, Alcohuacans, Raramuri, O'Dam and many others...
We come from different regions yet we all shared the same cultural traits...
People of the Sun, People of the Corn, People of Precious Stones such as Jade, Gold, Obsidian and of the Precious Feathers such as Quetzal...
This is our story, our cactlis is just one tiny part of it... Tiahui Mexica! 


Mazatli Footwear Bringing Back the Double-Toe-Post Sandal of Anahuac."


Let Our Ancestors Speak... Let Them Speak Through Us...